We are heading towards the collapse of the global civilisation that we have all grown up in. A society that proclaims to be democratic and to look after all citizens. Recent national events here in the UK are proving this to be a facade, stamping down on our right to protest, criminalising marginal ethic minorities, closing borders to people fleeing atrocities, protection of only the rich, people fighting for a living wage.
If time does go in a straight line then we are bending it round and round in circles and not learning a damn this from our story, you would be forgiven for thinking we are living a century ago. So are we preparing for the apocalypse or the revolution? It depends where my heads at as to how I personally answer that question, but lets take a positive day and its the revolution. 20 years ago I was on that front line, protesting, direct action and living the anti-capitalist life. Many of us were, but there's a softer and calmer way to revolt, and that my friends is the off-grid life. Off-grid means different things to different folk, to us it mainly means off the national electricity grid, as that's what we do. We build off grid power systems for remote locations or for people who just don't want to be reliant on the national grid. Off-grid fully means leaving all the consumerist comforts we have all been spoilt with our entire lives and living a self sufficient life, closer to nature, closer to our ancestors and without government assistance. It's really hard to do this...fully, but we can all make a move closer towards this ideal and say 'No' to a system that is not only collapsing under its own greed but also corrupt and unfair. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. You've probably heard the term 'Vote with your pocket', and now is the time to do exactly this. If you cant get to one of the last legal protests, if you're scared to confront the police you can still withdraw support from a system you disagree with. Really think about every purchase, is it necessary, is it ethical, who will benefit from this purchase and who will not? Ethical purchases often come with a higher price tag, that's capitalism for you! Look further than the initial price tag and balance it out by reducing other comfort costs. We don't need all these distractions from life, release yourself from subscription hell and open your eyes to the beautiful and free world around us. Replace anger with awe, replace dissatisfaction with breath, replace boredom with peace. Grow plants instead of your DVD collection, mend instead of buy more, give instead of take and the revolution will grow too inside you, and become infectious through your smile. The revolution will take place. It will not be fought with guns, sanctions and weapons of mass destruction. It will be fought with acres of land, solar panels, rain collection and off grid solutions. The goal is to stop participating in an unsustainable system and to create our own. We can’t wait for building regulations, energy strategies and food production legislations to guide us tomorrow. We have to turn every inch we have into a productive landscape, and use our resources to change the world in front of us today. If you want peace on earth; If you dream of a better way; If you want governments to shake in fear at the mention of its citizens then its time to embrace domestic change and reoccupy your house and your life. Free yourself step by step from shackles of the corporate world and truly become sovereign. Teach each other. Learn from each other. Help each other. Build a different possibility.
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REsource LivingFamily run business providing solar power, lighting and education at UK festivals in the summer and installing off grid power systems in the winter.
July 2022